“Embrace your place” Scholarship
Since 2007, ConserFest has been a significant driving force on Block Island raising awareness about local environmental issues. The proceeds and donations from all events help to support and fund local efforts dedicated to protecting Block Island's natural environment and raising awareness for the conservation and preservation of local land, heritage, and culture.
Each year, the ConserFest Board of Directors elects a member from the Block Island community who has made a significant contribution over time to cultivating environmental awareness and promoting conservation efforts. The scholarship is dedicated in honor of the individual and their service and commitment. The ConserFest “Embrace Your Place” Scholarship helps fund educational opportunities for applicants that foster a life-long love of learning, particularly through the lens of conservation and environmental science. The scholarship is awarded to the recipients every Spring, during the Block Island commencement ceremony. #cfscholarship
2020/2021 Scholarship: The Adrian Mitchell Award
2019/2020 Scholarship: The Scott Comings Award
2018/2019 Scholarship: The Barbara “Barby” Michel Award
2017/2018 Scholarship: The Kim Gaffett Award
2016/2017 Scholarship: The Stephen Record Award